Report configuration
You can adjust report configuration to get different views of the data. Depending on the nature of the adjustment, you may need to rerun the report.
Data source
Cloud Analytics reports support the following data sources:
Billing data (default): Use cloud billing data as the data source. If there are data imported via the DataHub API, you'll be able to select the checkbox to Include DataHub data.
BigQuery Lens: Use the BigQuery Lens audit log sink as the data source. See Analyze BigQuery activities for more information.
See Metrics and dimensions when the data source is the audit log sink of the BigQuery Lens.
This section explains the categories of metrics you can use when analyzing cost and usage data.
Basic metrics
Cost: Analyze your cloud costs by selected dimensions. When choosing the Cost metric, be aware that:
The cost data include savings covered by the Savings metric.
The cost data include credits you receive from your cloud providers.
By default, the cost data do not include credits from DoiT. To view DoiT credits, you have to Include promotional credits in your report.
Usage: This metric is intended for granular analysis of your cloud usage. It works best when viewed with a SKU breakdown along the standard dimension Unit.
Savings: Savings from the agreed-upon discounts between your company and DoiT, including private pricing, AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP or PPA), and savings generated by Flexsave. (To view savings from your commercial agreements with your cloud provider, you can use the extended metric Amortized savings.)
DoiT discount is not available for: Google Maps APIs, Google Support, Looker, Preemptible VMs (compute engine), third-party GCP Marketplace services, or Premium OS Images.
See Credits and discounts for how to view various credits and discounts.
DataHub metrics
DataHub metrics are custom metrics imported via the DataHub API. See DataHub introduction.
You can use DataHub metrics as base metrics to create new custom metrics.
Extended metrics
Extended metrics are often associated with a specific data provider.
List price
The extended metric List price works only for AWS and only if your contract with DoiT includes a price book or discounts given by DoiT.
If your contract with DoiT includes a price book with specific rules, for example, AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP or PPA), the resulted savings are already included the cost data in Cloud Analytics reports. The List price metric helps you understand the costs before applying any price book rules.
You can use the system labels pricebook/rule_name
and pricebook/rate_value
to find out more about your price book if there is one.
Amortized cost, Amortized savings (Beta)
The extended metrics Amortized cost and Amortized savings allow you to view your AWS spend in accrual-based accounting as opposed to cash-based accounting. See AWS amortized data for more information.
Query Cost
This extended metric is valid if you connect your Snowflake account with DoiT. See Work with Snowflake data.
Custom metrics
Custom metrics include two categories:
Custom metrics created by using existing attributions for additional calculations in the Cloud Analytics.
A group of preset metrics provided by DoiT.
The Time settings allow you to choose the time aggregation and decide whether to exclude incomplete time intervals from your report.
Time Range and Time Interval
Specify the time aggregation of your data points .
Time Range: Choose a predefined time range or define your own custom range.
Time Interval: Choose from Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year.
Changing the time interval will affect the Date/Time dimensions. For example, selecting the Time Interval Hour will result in Hour being automatically added to the X-axis (horizontal) of a report chart.
Exclude partial Intervals
When viewing a report, the current interval is almost always incomplete. For example, if the report is Daily then the current day will be collecting billing data throughout the day.
To remove incomplete time interval from the report (to exclude data of the current day for daily intervals, current week for monthly intervals, etc.), select Exclude partial Intervals.
This option is convenient when viewing comparative reports, for example, Month over Month analysis, or Week over Week analysis. It can also improve the accuracy of heatmap views by removing outliers, as partial intervals tend to skew trends by representing incomplete periods.