Preset reports
Cloud Analytics comes with several preset reports to help you get started. The available preset reports vary with your subscription plan.
Cost by Project/Account: The top 10 Google Cloud projects, AWS accounts, or Azure accounts by cost in the last 30 days.
Cost by service: The top 10 services by cost in the last 30 days.
Historical Cloud Native Costs by Platform: Your costs in the last 12 months by cloud platform, excluding Marketplace expenses and promotional credits.
Historical Marketplace Purchases by Platform: Your Marketplace expenses in the last 12 months by cloud platform and service.
Monthly Cost by Service 12mo: Your overall costs with a breakdown by service in the last 12 months.
Monthly Credits History 12mo: Monthly credits (e.g., committed use discounts, sustained use discounts, free-tier usage of a service) in the last 12 months.
Services Breakdown: The top 10 services by cost in the last 30 days. It also allows you to drill down to each service's top 10 cost-generating SKUs.
This Month vs. Last: Daily cost comparison between the current and the previous month.
Trending services: Services identified as trending (either trending up or down) in the last 60 days.
Google Cloud
Cloud SQL CUD Eligible Consumption: Eligible Google Cloud spend for Cloud SQL CUD commitments with a breakdown by region.
Cloud Run CUD Eligible Consumption: Eligible Google Cloud spend for Cloud SQL Run commitments with a breakdown by region.
GCP Compute CUD Coverage: Google Compute Engine resource (CPU, memory) eligible for CUD. Uses the preset custom metric
GCE CUD Coverage
and render the CUD utilization as a row heatmap. -
Control Plane Cost: Cost of the GKE control plane across all clusters in the last 6 months.
GKE Infrastructure Cost: The top 10 SKUs by cost of GKE nodes across all clusters in the last 12 months with a forecast for the next 12 months. Useful for Understanding GKE costs.
Amazon Web Services
Cost By Top AWS account: The top 20 AWS accounts by cost in the last 6 months.
Cost by region: The top 10 AWS regions by cost in the last 30 days.
Flexsave Compute: To better understand how Flexsave covers your AWS workloads.
Flexsave RDS: To better understand how Flexsave covers your usage of on-demand DB instances.
Flexsave SageMaker: To better understand how Flexsave covers your usage of SageMaker ML instances.