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DoiT Cloud Analytics reports help you visualize and interpret data related with your cloud environments. Whether you're monitoring cloud usage, tracking costs, or analyzing performance, Cloud Analytics reports enable you to identify trends and patterns and gain insights to make informed decisions.

Data source

Cloud Analytics reports support the following data sources:

  • Billing data (default data source): Cost and usage data imported into the DoiT Platform from your cloud service providers (AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure). Using billing data as data source gives you visibility into your cloud spend, allowing you to uncover cost and performance optimization opportunities for your organization.

  • BigQuery Lens: BigQuery Lens is a DoiT feature that maintains an audit log sink for BigQuery jobs. Using BigQuery Lens as data source allows you to build custom reports to analyze BigQuery activities.

When building or running a Cloud Analytics report, keep in mind that the available options, including metrics and dimensions, vary with the data source you choose.

Time zone

When importing data from cloud service providers, DoiT Platform keeps the original time zones of the data without adjustment.

  • Google Cloud billing data uses US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-8) and observes daylight saving time shifts in the United States.

  • AWS and Microsoft Azure billing data uses the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  • BigQuery Lens audit logs data uses the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Keeping the original time zones allows you to easily compare data presented in the DoiT Platform and data in cloud providers' native tools. If your organization adopts a multicloud strategy, be aware of the specific time zone applied to cost and usage data when using DoiT Platform for cost management. See Time zone in multicloud reports for more information.


Be aware of the following limitations when building or running reports:

Required permission

  • Your DoiT account must have the Cloud Analytics permission.

Access reports

To access Analytics reports, select Analytics from the top navigation bar, and then select Reports.

The Reports screen.

There are different types of reports: Preset reports, Managed reports, and Custom reports.

Preset reports and managed reports are maintained by DoiT. You can create custom reports based on an existing report, or completely from scratch.

View reports

Select a report name on the main Reports screen to view the report.

A screenshot showing an example report


Select the three dots menu () in the report title bar and choose Report configuration to view the report details.

Permissions on custom reports

A custom report is visible only to those with whom the owner has shared it. See Share reports: Summary for quick reference.

If you've set up the Organizations feature, note that reports shared outside an organization are not visible within.

Edit permissions

Users with the Admin role can bulk edit permissions on custom reports that have been shared with them.

  1. Select the checkboxes of the target custom reports.

  2. Select Edit permissions.

    Bulk edit report permissions.

You can change the permission of individual users or your whole team to Viewer, Editor, or remove their access. You can also transfer the ownership of a report to an individual user.

Reports API

DoiT Reports API is an easy-to-use RESTful API. It allows you to programmatically access Cloud Analytics reports and returns the latest reports data in JSON format.

See Reports API Overview for more information.


When are the metric amounts (Cost, Usage, etc) for a day counted as "final"?

You can consider numbers final for 3 days after the date. With that in mind, there is no SLA for this and numbers can change any time if there are corrections or delays that needs to be applied.

Are the reports backfilled/updated, and at what frequency?

Cloud Analytics data is updated hourly. However, the freshness of the billing data itself is decided by the corresponding cloud service provider. See also AWS cost data latency in DoiT Console and Google Cloud's frequency of data loads. Microsoft Azure Cost Management data is updated on a daily basis.

To backfill AWS historical billing data, please open a support ticket with us. For Google Cloud, see Import historical data(GCP). Microsoft Azure billing data is backfilled from January 1, 2023.