🗃️ Single sign-on
3 items
📄️ Settings
To manage user authentication in the DoiT console, you can set up Single sign-on (SSO) or allow sign-in with Google Workspace account, Microsoft Office 365 account, or email and password.
📄️ Create a new user
You can manage the access of other users on behalf of the organization, as well as create users for new employees who need access to the DoiT Platform.
📄️ Roles and permissions
Use roles and permissions to implement granular access control in your organization.
📄️ Bulk invite new users
How to bulk invite users to DoiT Platform from CSV
📄️ Manage Organizations
Use Organizations within the DoiT console to segment your data and provide greater focus to your users.
📄️ Account assumption
Allow DoiT personnel to access your DoiT account for your chosen duration.
📄️ Partner Access
Leverage the DoiT console to better support your customers who have consolidated billing with DoiT.