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Predefined metrics

Basic metrics


The Cost metric is used for tracking and evaluating cloud costs. When choosing the Cost metric, be aware that:

  • The cost metric includes savings covered by the Savings metric.

  • The cost metric includes credits you receive from your cloud providers.

  • By default, the cost metric does not include credits from DoiT. To view DoiT credits, you have to Include promotional credits in your report.


The Usage metric is intended for granular analysis of cloud usage. It works best when viewed with a SKU breakdown along the standard Unit dimension.


The Savings metric measures savings from the agreed-upon discounts between your organization and DoiT. It includes private pricing, AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP or PPA), and savings generated by Flexsave. (To view savings from your commercial agreements with your cloud provider, you can use the extended metric Amortized savings.).

Note that DoiT discount is not available for Google Maps APIs, Google Support, Looker, Preemptible VMs (compute engine), third-party GCP Marketplace services, and Premium OS Images. See Credits and discounts for how to view various credits and discounts.

Extended metrics

List price

The extended metric List price works only for AWS and only if your contract with DoiT includes a price book or discounts given by DoiT.

If your contract with DoiT includes a price book with specific rules, for example, AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP or PPA), the resulted savings are already included the cost data in Cloud Analytics reports. The List price metric helps you understand the costs before applying any price book rules.

The system labels pricebook/rule_name and pricebook/rate_value can help you find out more about your price book if there is one.

Amortized cost, Amortized savings (Beta)

The extended metrics Amortized cost and Amortized savings allow you to view your AWS spend in accrual-based accounting as opposed to cash-based accounting. See AWS amortized data for more information.

Query Cost

The Query Cost metric is valid if you connect your Snowflake account with DoiT. See Work with Snowflake data.

Preset custom metrics

AWS Public IP cost

The AWS Public IP cost metric measures the cost incurred by public IPv4 addresses (see AWS Public IPv4 Address Charge for more information).

Formula: Usage of AWS Public IP cost × 0.005

EKS Capacity Utilization

The EKS Capacity Utilization metric measures the utilization of resources across Amazon EKS clusters.

Formula: Cost of EKS Unallocated Resources / (Cost of EKS Allocated Resources + Cost of EKS Unallocated Resources)

This metric is built on top of two preset attributions: GKE Allocated Resources and GKE Unallocated Resources. It's used in the GKE Clusters Utilization widget.

GCE CUD Coverage

The GCE CUD Coverage metric measures the utilization of your Google Cloud Committed Use Discounts (CUD).

Formula: Usage of GCP CUD Commitments / Usage of GCP Eligible for CUD

This metric is built on top of two preset attributions: GCP CUD Commitments and GCP Eligible for CUD. It's used in the preset report GCP Compute CUD Coverage.

GCP Cost w/o Discounts

The GCP Cost w/o Discounts metric measures your Google Cloud costs without DoiT-provided contractual discounts.

Formula: Cost of All GCP Resources + Savings of All GCP Resources

A main use case of this metric is reporting cloud spend to teams or products. By taking out discounts, you can compare costs across services and projects more objectively. It can also help understand the differences you might see between the total costs in the GCP Console and the DoiT Cloud Analytics reports.

GKE Capacity Utilization

The GKE Capacity Utilization metric measures the utilization of resources across GKE clusters.

Formula: Cost of GKE Unallocated Resources / (Cost of GKE Allocated Resources + Cost of GKE Unallocated Resources)

This metric is built on top of two preset attributions: GKE Allocated Resources and GKE Unallocated Resources. It's used in the GKE Clusters Utilization widget.