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Connect Snowflake

Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that helps organizations store, process, and analyze data. The cost of using Snowflake is the aggregated costs of using data transfer, storage, and compute resources. For organizations with heavy data processing and analytics needs, Snowflake costs often account for a significant portion of cloud spending.

DoiT enables you to integrate Snowflake cost and usage data alongside data from other cloud providers, giving you a holistic view of your overall cloud spend and empowering you to optimize cost across the primary cost drivers.

Before you begin

  • You can connect your Snowflake account with DoiT if you purchase directly or via the marketplace, but not if you sign a Snowflake contract through a Snowflake reseller.

  • To use Snowflake data in the DoiT console, we create a warehouse named DOIT_WAREHOUSE on your behalf. This ensures we don't interfere with your existing warehouses.

  • We run queries multiple times daily for about 15 minutes each time. This usually incurs a cost of approximately US$1 per day. To check the exact charge for the DOIT_WAREHOUSE, you can run a Cloud Analytics report, using the warehouse name as the filter. See DOIT_WAREHOUSE cost for an example.

Required permissions

To connect your Snowflake account with DoiT:

  • Your DoiT account must have the Billing Profiles Admin permission.

  • Your Snowflake account must have an active Snowflake subscription with administrator permissions.

Connect your Snowflake account

To help you connect your Snowflake account, the DoiT console provides a step-by-step wizard, which you can launch in multiple ways:

  • On the Home page:

    • Under Welcome to the DoiT Console, select Get started in the Connect your Snowflake account pane; or

    • Scroll down to find the Connect your cloud section, and then select Connect your Snowflake account.

      Connect your Snowflake account

  • Navigate to the Assets page. Choose Snowflake in the left-hand menu and then select Connect your account.

  • Navigate to the Snowflake Lens dashboard and then select Connect your Snowflake account.

The wizard contains three steps:

Snowflake connection setup wizard


The first step contains explanatory information about a script you'll need to run. The script creates the following resources in your account:

  • A DoiT role with the following Snowflake permissions: ORGANIZATION_USAGE_VIEWER, GOVERNANCE_VIEWER, ORGANIZATION_BILLING_VIEWER, and USAGE_VIEWER. See Snowflake database roles for more information.

  • A user with the DoiT role above.

  • A warehouse named DOIT_WAREHOUSE.

After you read through the requirements, select Next to set up the connection.

Set up connection

The second step guides you to set up the connection between your Snowflake account and the DoiT console:

  1. Sign in to the Snowflake console using an account with administrator permissions.

  2. Select Projects and Worksheets, and open a worksheet.

  3. Copy the script from the step-by-step wizard, and paste it in the Snowflake worksheet.

  4. At the top of the worksheet, select a warehouse to run the script.

  5. Select a role to run the worksheet as, and expand the Run button to select Run All.

  6. Back to the wizard in the DoiT console, enter your Snowflake account ID and organization ID, which you can find in the URL:

    See also Finding the organization and account name for an account.

Test your connection

The last step is to test your Snowflake connection by selecting Test connection. The test usually takes a few seconds.

What's next

  • After you successfully connected your Snowflake account, we start importing your billing data. The process can take up to one hour. We notify you when the data is available for Cloud Analytics and other DoiT features.

  • Once your Snowflake data is in the DoiT platform, you'll receive notifications when we identify cost anomalies in your Snowflake spend.

  • To monitor your Snowflake data out of the box, check out the Snowflake Lens.

  • Learn more about how to work with Snowflake data.

Interactive demo

Try out our interactive demo for a hands-on walk-through experience.

If the demo doesn't display properly, try expanding your browser window or opening the demo in a new tab.