AWS amortized data
AWS Reserved Instances (RIs), Savings Plans (SPs), and DoiT Flexsave have upfront or recurring fees that are charged differently from other cloud resource usage; the period during which their benefits are realized does not always align with the invoice period. This can cause complications if you analyze cloud costs on a cash basis. For instance, your entire commitment is charged in one payment if you choose the All Upfront option for RIs/SPs and there are no upfront fees in subsequent billing periods, RIs/SPs costs are offset by other charges, and it's challenging to differentiate waste from effective rates.
By contrast, amortized data spreads the upfront and recurring charges over the period of time they apply. This gives a more accurate picture of the effective daily costs of workloads running in your environment, helping you better predict future expenses, make budgeting decisions, and analyze the cost-effectiveness of your savings strategy.
DoiT Cloud Analytics provides two extended metrics — Amortized cost, Amortized savings — to help you view your amortized data and report on an accrual basis. It takes relevant fields from the AWS CUR, recalculates the data to include changes applied by DoiT (for example, DoiT Flexsave or custom pricing), and factors the upfront/recurring fees in.
Before you begin
DoiT Cloud Analytics performs amortization on usage covered by AWS RIs, SPs, or DoiT Flexsave.
Reports built with Amortized cost or Amortized savings show all the AWS services in your environment, regardless of whether they benefit from RIs, SPs, or DoiT Flexsave.
In addition to savings from RIs, SPs, and DoiT Flexsave, Amortized savings also include savings from other sources, for example, Spot Instances, AWS Private Pricing Addendum (PPA), and AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP). See Understand amortized data for more information.
Unblended and amortized metrics
Cloud Analytics reports built with the Cost metric use unblended costs, which are usage costs on the day they are charged; reports built with the Amortized cost or Amortized savings metric use amortized data.
Below are a few examples that show the daily costs of EC2 and RDS using different metrics.
Unblended daily costs
Amortized daily costs
Amortized daily savings
Understand amortized data
Depending on whether you purchase public cloud through DoiT, Cloud Analytics amortizes the cost and usage data differently.
DoiT Cloud Advantage
This section applies if you are a DoiT Cloud Advantage customer with a dedicated payer account.
Category | Cost type | Amortized cost | Amortized savings |
Flexsave SP | FlexsaveCoveredUsage | Effective cost of instances covered by Flexsave, excluding EDP. | Savings generated by Flexsave (the difference between effective cost and On-Demand cost). |
Flexsave SP | FlexsaveNegation | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
Flexsave SP | FlexsaveRecurringFee | EDP on the effective cost of Flexsave (negative), excluding unused SP (you do not pay for waste with Flexsave). | Savings generated by EDP on the effective Flexsave cost (positive). |
Flexsave RI | FlexsaveUsage | Effective cost of instances covered by Flexsave, excluding EDP. | Savings generated by Flexsave. |
Flexsave RI | FlexsaveRIFee | EDP on the effective cost of Flexsave (negative). | Savings generated by EDP on the effective Flexsave cost (positive). |
Flexsave RI | FlexsaveManagementFee | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
SP owned by you | SavingsPlanCoveredUsage | Effective cost of instances covered by your SP, excluding EDP. | Savings generated by your SP. |
SP owned by you | SavingsPlanNegation | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
SP owned by you | SavingsPlanRecurringFee | EDP on the recurring charges for the period (negative) plus the cost of unused SP (waste, positive). | EDP on the recurring charges for the period (positive) plus the cost of unused SP (waste, negative). |
SP owned by you | SavingsPlanUpfrontFee | EDP on upfront charges (negative). | Savings generated by EDP on upfront charges (positive). |
RI owned by you | DiscountedUsage | Effective cost of instances covered by your RI, excluding EDP. | Savings generated by your RI. |
RI owned by you | Fee | EDP on upfront charges and exchange charges (negative). | Savings generated by EDP on upfront charges and exchange charges (positive). |
RI owned by you | RIFee | EDP on the recurring charges for the period (negative) plus the cost of unused RI (waste, positive). | EDP on the recurring charges for the period (positive) plus the cost of unused RI (waste, negative). |
On-Demand | Usage | EDP-adjusted cost of On-Demand usage. | Savings generated by EDP. |
Spot | Usage | EDP-adjusted cost of Spot usage. | Savings generated by Spot. |
Spend covered by PPA | Usage | PPA-adjusted cost. | Savings generated by PPA. |
DoiT Cloud Navigator-only
This section applies if you are a DoiT Cloud Navigator customer but do not buy public cloud from us.
Category | Cost type | Amortized cost | Amortized savings |
Savings Plans | SavingsPlanCoveredUsage | Effective cost of instances covered by your SP, excluding EDP. | Savings generated by your SP. |
Savings Plans | SavingsPlanNegation | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
Savings Plans | SavingsPlanRecurringFee | Cost of unused SP (waste). | Cost of unused SP (waste, negative). |
Savings Plans | SavingsPlanUpfrontFee | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
Reserved Instances | DiscountedUsage | Effective cost of instances covered by your RI, excluding EDP. | Savings generated by your RI. |
Reserved Instances | Fee | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
Reserved Instances | RIFee | Cost of unused RI (waste). | Cost of unused RI (waste, negative). |
PPA | Usage | PPA-adjusted cost. | Savings generated by PPA. |
PPA | PrivateRateDiscount | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
Bundled Discount | BundledDiscount | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
Bundled Discount | Usage | BundledDiscount-adjusted cost. | Savings generated by the bundled discount. |
RI Volume Discount | RiVolumeDiscount | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
RI Volume Discount | RIFee | RiVolumeDiscount-adjusted cost. | Always $0 . |
SPP Discount | SppDiscount | Value of AWS Solution Provider Program discount. | — |
SPP Discount | Usage | SppDiscount-adjusted cost. | Always $0 . |
Spot | Usage | List cost of Spot usage. | Savings generated by Spot. |
On-Demand | Usage | List cost of On-Demand usage. | Always $0 . |
Discounts | EDP | (discount) EDP cost on the spend incurred in the current month | Discounts associated with EDP. |
Credits | Credit | Value of the credit (expected to be negative) | Always $0 . |
Tax | Tax | Value of the tax. | Always $0 . |
Refund | Refund | Value of the refund. | Always $0 . |
Support | Usage | Support charges. | Always $0 . |
If you have activated DoiT Flexsave for Compute separately, in addition to the table above, your amortized data also includes the following items.
Category | Cost type | Amortized cost | Amortized savings |
Flexsave | FlexsaveCoveredUsage | Effective cost of instances covered by Flexsave, including additional Flexsave discount if applicable but excluding EDP. This item also covers Flexsave charges. | Savings generated by Flexsave (the difference between effective cost and On-Demand cost). |
Flexsave | FlexsaveNegation | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
Flexsave | FlexsaveRecurringFee | Cost of unused SP (waste). | Unused SP (waste) (negative). |
Flexsave | FlexsaveCharges | Always $0 . | Always $0 . |
See also
Use amortized cost when Creating budgets
AWS Documentation: Understanding your amortized reservation data, Exploring your data using Cost Explorer