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Partner Access

If you are a customer representative at AWS or Google, you can request Partner Access to the DoiT console to support DoiT International customers.

The Partner Access allows you to:

  • Get an at-a-glance overview of all your DoiT International customers.

  • Access the latest spend/consumption data of your customers.

  • Have more productive customer conversations with trend analysis, forecasts, and other DoiT console features.

  • Surface insights per customer, such as when the usage of a particular service increases.

Data are not shared across cloud vendors. For multicloud customers, the AWS representative and Google representative have access only to the data related to their own cloud services.

Request Partner Access

To get Partner Access, you need to be added as an Account Manager (with the role of account manager, solution architect, customer engineer, etc.) of your customers in the DoiT console.

Please get in touch with your DoiT contact with a list of customers you want to get access to.

Sign in as a partner representative

To sign in as a partner representative, go to the DoiT console sign-in page:

  • Google representative: Choose Sign in with Google.

  • AWS representative: Enter your business email address ( If you have a valid account in the DoiT console, you'll receive an email with a magic link to sign in.

If you experience any issues, please contact support.

Verify your customer assignments

Once signed in, you'll see a list of your assigned customers on the dashboard.

Review the list and verify that you are assigned the correct customers. In case anything is wrong or missing, please contact support.

View a customer

To access the spend and usage data of a specific customer, select the Domain of the customer in the customer list.

For each customer, you have access to a selected set of features, e.g., the Pulse dashboard, AWS Lens (AWS representative-only), GCP Lens (Google representative-only), Reports, and Ramp plans.