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Create a support request

To create a request via the DoiT console:

  1. Log in to the DoiT console, select Services from the top navigation bar, and then select Consulting and support.

  2. Select Create new request in the upper-right corner of the page.

  3. Select the Cloud Platform and Product of the issue you're facing.

    Create a new support request

    During this step, you'll see a list of current cloud incidents related to your selected cloud platform if any.

    If one of the current incidents appears to be related to your request, you may still create a support request with us. However, likely, we are already working with the cloud vendor to address the issue.

    DCI Essentials customers only: If you're on a DCI Essentials plan, you can create a support request for billing, invoices, Workspace and O365 queries. For all other queries, create a support request and Ava will give an answer to your request.

    If Ava doesn't solve your question, or you don't want to raise a customer request ticket and prefer to speak to our support team, select Speak to a human expert. Please note this service requires a fee. The fee is charged in a separate invoice, which will arrive in the month after the ticket is issued. Payment can be made at any time after a ticket is created.

  4. Select the Severity of your request:

    • General Guidance: You have general questions about a product.

    • System Impaired: An issue is impairing your systems.

    • Production System Impaired: An issue is impairing your production systems.

    • Production System Down: An issue is causing downtime to your production systems.

  5. Provide details of the issue.

    • Video Call: Let's us know if you are intersted in a brief discovery video call to discuss your request. Once the request is assigned, you'll receive a link to schedule the call.

    • Subject: A short description of the issue.

    • Additional CCs: To copy in additional recipients on the current request. The DoiT console may automatically add your cloud vendor representative (e.g., account manager or customer engineer) to the list. Feel free to remove their email addresses if you do not wish to copy them in on your request.


      To copy in additional recipients on all new support requests, use the Default Emails List.

    • Description: More information about the issue. You can also attach screenshots and logs.

      Requests with sufficient details are generally resolved faster in comparison to those with scant information as extra communication between you and your support specialist will delay its resolution.

  6. Submit your request.