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Use your Snowflake data

DoiT Cloud Navigator: Enhanced and above

Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that provides data storage, processing, and analytics capabilities. It allows you to easily consolidate, query, and analyze large volumes of data in real-time, offering scalability and flexibility.

Once you've imported your Snowflake data into DoiT Navigator, you can start taking advantage of the features available such as creating reports in Cloud Analytics, and getting notifications for cost anomalies you set up.

Cloud Analytics

In Cloud Analytics, you can combine the specific metrics and labels we have dedicated to Snowflake data, and the standard ones, to create reports on usage and cost.

To use Snowflake metrics and labels in a Cloud Analytics report:

  1. Sign in to the DoiT console, select Analytics from the top navigation bar, and then select Reports.

  2. Select Create new report.

  3. In the Filter results or Group by fields, select Provider and then, Snowflake.


    If you use object tagging and query tags, you can add them as well.

  4. To add Snowflake labels to your report, in the Dimensions field, select

    and search for Snowflake. Select the Snowflake labels you need for your report.

  5. Select Run report.

    Snowflake data report

Snowflake metrics and labels

Here you find a list of all the specific metrics and labels for Snowflake.

See also

See a comprehensive list of the available report settings and the dimensions and labels

Extended Metrics

Query Cost

The extended metric Query Cost quantifies an estimate for the amount of resources consumed by a specific query in the Snowflake data warehouse.

Snowflake Query Cost

System labels

By Snowflake

This section highlights Snowflake system labels that help you analyze Snowflake cost and usage data.

  • Snowflake database ID: The ID of a database.

  • Snowflake database name: The name of a database.

  • Snowflake query hash: A cryptographic hash of the query text, used for identification and grouping.

  • Snowflake query parameterized hash: A cryptographic hash of the query text after parameterization, used for identification and grouping.

  • Snowflake service level: The level of service associated with the warehouse, such as Standard or Enterprise.

  • Snowflake username: The name of the user who executed the query.

  • Snowflake warehouse credit cloud services rate: The cost per warehouse credit for cloud services, such as storage or networking.

  • Snowflake warehouse credit compute rate: The cost per warehouse credit for compute resources.

  • Snowflake warehouse ID: The ID of a warehouse.

  • Snowflake warehouse name: The name of a warehouse.

Snowflake Lens

To monitor your Snowflake data out of the box, check out the Snowflake Lens.

Cost anomalies

Once your Snowflake data is in DoiT Navigator, you'll receive alerts whenever we detect a cost spike.

See also

Learn more about cost anomalies.