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Snowflake Lens

DoiT Cloud Navigator: Enhanced and above

Snowflake Lens helps you identify and track your Snowflake cost and usage. Use the Lens dashboard to decide how and when to optimize costs, monitor performance, and more.

Required permission

To access Snowflake Lens, your DoiT user needs the Cloud Analytics permission.

Before you begin

  • Make sure your Snowflake account is connected to DoiT. See how to connect your Snowflake account.

  • Snowflake Lens is not available if you signed your Snowflake contract through a Snowflake reseller.

Snowflake Lens dashboard

The Snowflake Lens dashboard consists of multiple preset report widgets that highlight various aspects of your Snowflake spend and usage. It's automatically populated when you connect your Snowflake account to DoiT.

To access the Snowflake Lens dashboard, select Dashboard from the top navigation bar, and then select Snowflake Lens under Preset dashboards.

Snowflake Lens dashboard


Widgets on the dashboard are updated independently of each other. See Refresh report data for more information.

You can Open full report to check the report configuration, or customize the preset report to create your own one.

Monthly Cost by Service

This widget displays the costs associated with different Snowflake services, such as Snowflake Computing or Snowflake Storage, to identify cost drivers.

Snowflake Monthly Cost by Service report widget

Report configuration:

  • Metric: Cost
  • Time Range: Last 6 months (include current month)
  • Time Interval: Month
  • Filters
    • Provider: Snowflake
  • Group by: Service

Top 10 Monthly Warehouses by Cost

This widget lists the warehouses that consumed the most resources and incurred the highest costs during a given month.

Snowflake Top Monthly Warehouses by Cost report widget

Report configuration:

  • Metric: Cost
  • Time Range: Last 6 months (include current month)
  • Time Interval: Month
  • Filters
    • Provider: Snowflake
    • Top/bottom results: Service—Limit to top 10 by cost
  • Group by: Snowflake warehouse name

Top 10 Databases by Storage Cost

This widget identifies the databases that have the highest storage costs.

Snowflake Top Databases by Storage Cost report widget

Report configuration:

  • Metric: Cost
  • Time Range: Last 6 months (include current month)
  • Time Interval: Month
  • Filters
    • Provider: Snowflake
    • Service: STORAGE
    • Top/bottom results: Service—Limit to top 10 by cost
  • Group by: Snowflake database name

Monthly Cost by Region

This widget breaks down the monthly costs by geographical region, allowing for cost allocation and analysis based on location.

Snowflake Monthly Cost by Region report widget

Report configuration:

  • Metric: Cost
  • Time Range: Last 30 days (include current day)
  • Time Interval: Month
  • Filters
    • Provider: Snowflake
  • Group by: Region

Monthly Cost by Usage Type

This widget categorizes costs based on different usage types—such as compute, storage, or networking—to understand cost distribution.

Snowflake Monthly Cost by Usage Type report widget

Report configuration:

  • Metric: Cost
  • Time Range: Last 6 months (include current month)
  • Time Interval: Month
  • Filters
    • Provider: Snowflake
  • Group by: Cost Type

Top 10 Queries by User

This widget identifies the individual users who have executed the most resource-intensive or expensive queries.

Snowflake Top Queries by User report widget

Report configuration:

  • Metric: Query Cost
  • Time Range: Last 30 days (include current day)
  • Time Interval: Day
  • Filters
    • Provider: Snowflake
    • Top/bottom results: Service—Limit to top 10 by cost
  • Group by: Snowflake username