Provide commitment and pricing details
If you do not have any commitments in Datadog because, for example, you are an on-demand customer, then the Subscription details screen is not displayed.
Once the connection between Datadog and DoiT is established, the products and services where you might have existing commitments are automatically populated in the Subscription details screen in the DoiT console. You must review this information, add or remove any subscriptions or products as needed, and then provide the corresponding quantity and pricing information.
It is important that this information is correct and up to date to ensure that the Datadog costs are displayed accurately. If you make any changes to your commitment or subscription with Datadog, you must update the Subscription details accordingly.
You can use the Subscription details screen to review your Datadog subscriptions and add any that are missing.
To add a product to a subscription, select + Add product for the subscription to which you want to add a product.
To add a new subscription, select Add new subscription details.
Select Finish to complete the Datadog step-by-step wizard.