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When creating a CloudFlow, the first node is always a trigger node that starts the CloudFlow.

Trigger nodes

What should start your flow

There are two types of trigger node:

  • Custom schedule

  • Manual trigger

One CloudFlow can have only one trigger node.

Custom schedule

A Custom schedule is useful when you need a CloudFlow to run at specific times or recurring intervals. For example, checking the utilization rates of Google Cloud Compute Engine instances at 9:00 AM every day.

  • Configuration options: Time zone, Start date, Time, Frequency.

  • Frequency defines how often a CloudFlow is triggered. Supported values: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Custom. Choose Custom if you need the CloudFlow to run at recurring intervals, for example, every two weeks.

Below is an example custom schedule.

Condition configuration

Manually start

This type of trigger is used when a CloudFlow should only run on demand. It helps guarantee human oversight as well as offer flexibility, allowing you to control CloudFlow execution as needed.

To start a CloudFlow with a manual trigger, select Run in the top bar of the CloudFlow editor after the CloudFlow has been published.

Condition configuration