View insights
Required permission
To access the Insights feature, your DoiT account needs the Insights Manager permission.
To access different insights, you need to have the corresponding plan.
View all insights
To view all the insights, sign in to the DoiT console, select Governance from the top navigation bar, and then select Insights.
On the Insights page, you can:
Change the Savings period to view estimated savings for one year, month, or day, or Sort by the estimated savings amount.
View basic information of each insight, including a short description, insight source, data freshness, category, provider, and if applicable, the estimated savings amount and a link to the Threads page with the number of threads created from the insight.
Select an insight card to open the insight details page and take actions such as creating a Jira issue, contacting DoiT expert team, or when applicable, opening a Cloud Analytics report for further investigation.
Filter insights
To quickly find an insight of interest, use the search bar or filter with the following criteria:
Provider: Filter insights by data provider: AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, or Snowflake.
Category: Filter insights by the category they belong to. See Insights categories.
Source: Filter insights by the source of their recommendations. See Insights sources.
Insights status
Insights have three status:
Actionable: The recommendations of the insight can be readily acted upon.
Optimized: Issues identified in the insight have been addressed or no longer exist.
Dismissed: DoiT marks any automated insight that is not relevant to your environment as
, while a custom insight can be dismissed only by its creator.
In addition to the three status, some insights show an Easy win badge. Easy win insights are optimization recommendations identified by the DoiT expert team as low-risk, low-complexity, and always with zero downtime.
Automated insights generated using cloud billing data are refreshed daily, which means a currently Optimized
or even Dismissed
insight may become Actionable
days later.