Rightsizing recommendations
DoiT provides machine type recommendations for Google Cloud Compute Engine to help you optimize your resource utilization.
Enable rightsizing recommendations
To enable the rightsizing recommendations feature:
Update your service account to grant the required permissions.
- Rightsizing – Insights: Allows the DoiT console to generate recommendations.
- Rightsizing – Resize: Allows you to apply recommendations in the DoiT console.
Add the Recommendations widget
The rightsizing recommendations are accessible in the Recommendations widget.
To add the widget to your dashboard:
In the DoiT console, select Dashboards from the top navigation bar.
Select the Add widget option to open the widgets panel.
Find the Recommendations widget and add it. If there are optimization opportunities, the recommendations will be listed in the widget.
Use the button at the rightmost end of each recommendation to view the details.
Apply recommendations
To apply a recommendation, stop the instance that is currently running, and then select Apply. You will be able to start the instance for the new machine type once it reloads.
DoiT regenerates recommendations within 24 hours after a recommendation was applied. Afterward, rightsizing recommendations are refreshed at regular intervals throughout the day.